Have you noticed an increase in your monthly energy bills? If so, you may be wondering what you can do around your apartment to save energy. Well, there are actually a number of simple things that you can do which will reduce your energy consumption, including:
Using power strips – Plug all of your electronics into a power strip and when you’re not using them, turn the power strip off.
Replacing light bulbs – Replace the light bulbs in your home with ENERGY STAR®-qualified CFL or LED bulbs because these types of bulbs use much less energy – and last much longer – than standard incandescent bulbs.
Turn off lights – Don’t forget to turn off the lights in rooms that you’re not in or when you leave the apartment. Leaving lights on that you’re not using will eat up a lot of electricity.
Raise the AC temperature – When you leave the apartment, turn the air conditioning unit to a higher temperature. That way the AC isn’t running all day when nobody is there to benefit from it. However, do not turn your air conditioner off all day because it actually takes more energy to cool a hot apartment in the evening than to keep your apartment a few degrees warmer all day.
Only run a full dishwasher – Because dishwashers use up so much water and energy, you can save both by only running them when they’re completely full.
You can practice all of these energy-saving tricks at our apartments in Lady Lake, FL. If you’re interested in making our community your new home, give us a call or stop by our leasing office today. We would be more than happy to take you on a tour of The Quarters Apartment Homes and show you everything our wonderful community has to offer, including a pool, fitness center, clubhouse, and much more.