Are you fed up with losing your keys, wallet, or other important personal items? Practicing good organizational habits can save you frustration and time, as well as keep your apartment looking neat and clean. Here are some quick tips to help the residents of our Lady Lake, FL, apartments stay organized:
- Don’t hang too many things on your refrigerator. The fridge is a great place to keep takeout menus, phone messages, and magnets, but if you hang too many things on the front of your refrigerator, it becomes a messy focal point in your home. Consider getting a single clipboard or corkboard where all of your paperwork will be posted. When the clipboard is full, it’s cleaning time – you can recycle the papers you don’t need, or find a better place for the ones you do.
- Clear out kitchen cabinets and drawers. Empty out one kitchen cabinet or drawer at a time and be honest about whether you need each item, or if some things can be given away or recycled. There’s no reason to occupy valuable storage space with items you don’t want or need!
- Find a place for mail. Mail is a prime offender for coming in the door and landing on counters, desks, and tables randomly. Create a designated space, like a basket or bin, for all mail to be placed when it’s brought into your apartment.
- Avoid the curse of too much stuff. Possessions are great to have, but owning too many of them can take up all your living space and make you feel weighted down. Go through your apartment, room by room, and sort through your possessions. Donate items you no longer want or need, and you’ll soon have plenty of space left over for your stuff and yourself.
- Organize every day. One common mistake is to avoid organizing a home for months or even years, only to be left with a huge mess to deal with. Set aside a few minutes a day to organize your apartment -- this will help you maintain a more relaxed and orderly lifestyle.
By following these tips, you can reduce your stress and make your apartment look well cared for. We hope this list has helped you with your organizational skills. For more information on The Quarters Apartment Homes, contact us today or schedule a free tour.