Conserving water at The Quarters will not only help you to save the environment, but you’ll also find that you can save money on your water bill by being a little more careful to conserve H2O during your daily routine.
Let the following list of water-saving tips inspire you to find your own ways to save water in our Lady Lake, Florida apartments.
- Don’t run the water when washing dishes
- Report all leaky faucets to your on-site maintenance staff
- Only run the washing machine when it’s full
- Water plants before pouring extra water down the drain
- Don’t use toilets as trashcans
- Take shorter showers
- Shut water off while brushing your teeth
- Don’t use running water to thaw food
- Only run the dishwasher when it’s full
- Shut off water while lathering your hands
That’s just the beginning of how you can make water conservation your personal contribution to saving the environment, not to mention saving your wallet! If you have any questions about what our Lady Lake community is doing to conserve water, just give our office a call during standard business hours.